We’re kicking off another huge Friday of Live programming with one of our favourite listening shows Dischord. The inimitable Millú takes us on another two hour exploration through the world of psyche in its many forms.
Air Liquide - Ballad of the Nameless Guitar Player RR Earth - R Resonant The Omm Squad - Lost Land Fila Brazillia - Ponga Z-Plane - Smokey YMC - Spliff Phonosynthese - Safari Pilgrims of the Mind - Following The Sofuto Kuriimo Blue Pilots Project - Gadfly Peace Orchestra - Meister petz Discotopia - Melancholy Guy Contact - Kawai Sounds From The Ground - Triangle nsi. - Nikita Union Jack - Water Drums Hillside - Hidden Port The Amorphous Androgynous - The Lovers Phonosynthese - Wackelpudding Ronnie & Clyde - Theme From A Lazy Life Auditive Escape - Black Train Babble - Sunray Dub Aural Float - Switchin' The Wave of Thought (Reprise)