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Dischord E2
Millú — 
Cosmic / Kraut / 
Guitar Dance / 
Psychedelic / 
Psych Rock / 

Millú presents Dischord. An exploration of psych.

June 11 - Memories John Martyn - Small Hours Eroc - Seitenwind Chac Mool - Ofrenda Barthel, Bohm & Bauer - Momo's Traum Felicia Atkinson - No Fear But Anticipation ??? - Anuhba Smith & Mudd - Tanglewood Om Buschman - Hey Tata Gorem Xen & Yovav - Hayom Etmol Walls - Into Our Midst Die Wilde Jagd - Drachenfels Alek Lee - Gever Amiti Force of NAture - Blackmoon Animated Egg - Sock It My Way Donnie & Joe Emerson - Give Me A Chance Steve Miller Band -Sacrifice Friedemann - November Winds Shimson Miel - Amsterdam Experience Alek Lee & Or Edry & Yovav - Plastic Morgan Fisher - Mount Fuji C-Cat Trance - They Made Them Up Pablo's Eye - A Long Standing Dream Nick Howard - Watching Through My Window

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