Episode 4 of Millú's exploration of all things psyche; Dischord.
Francis Inferno Orchestra - Mer Morte Angophora - Early Bird The Colours of Life - Being One (Air) Ta Paichnidia Tou Iliou - Ra Urusula K. Le Guin & Todd Barton - A Teaching Poem Durutti Column - Darkness Here Durutti Column - Chant Kilchhofer - Leng Ursula K. Le Guin & Todd Barton - Twilight Song Daniel Schell & Karo - If Windows They have Jura Soundsystem - Jungle Ambient Tool Okay Temiz/Johnny Dyani - Sark Gesintileri Rex Illusivii - Facedance Dam-Ru - Deathhead Montezumas Rache & Dominik Von Senger - Guten Morgen Bromio Jah Wobble's Invader's of the Heart - Visions of You Waak Waak Djungi - Rainbow Serpent Byron Metcalf - Dark Brew Michael Hedges - Spare Change W. Barthel, M. Bohm & R. Bauer - Drift Away & Into The Storm Heroes of the Galleon - Winter Island Romance Delia Gonzalez - Hidden Song Vakula - Joiwind